Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mesilla Valley Onion Festival

This is a logo I created for the 1st of an annual event, The Mesilla Valley Onion Festival.

My class was tasked with coming up with a logo that included 3 elements: 1) an onion, 2) a pineapple (the international symbol for hospitality and welcome), and 3) the words "Mesilla Valley Onion Festival".

I was at a complete loss for how to incorporate an onion and a pineapple together. Then, I saw an image of an onion cut in half and occurred to me that maybe I could do an image that looked like a half onion but the inside would look like a slice of pineapple.

Even though we were told that we could only use one color, (black) I decided to do a rendering that had 2 colors. I feel it is more successful.

While we were told our designs would be judged by the MVOF committee and one would be selected to be the logo, it turned out that the contest ended weeks before. It was a bit aggravating to spend so much time doing a design for a contest that was already over.

In any case, I think it is a nice addition to my portfolio.

All images and photographs are the property of DKiser Designs and subject to copyright protection. You may not copy or reproduce any image or photograph in any way without the express permission of DKiser Designs. Thank you.

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