Thursday, April 7, 2011

Club Cherry (RIP)

This is what I submitted for my final project in my Illustrator class. I had to design either a poster or bookcover so I decided on the poster.

I wanted to really create a sense of plasticity with this image. The super high gloss on both the lips and the cherry help to create that feel. I also wanted to limit my color palette to just red, black and white.

The inspiration for this design harks back to my days of living in Los Angeles. Club Cherry in Hollywood was THE place to be...everyone who was ANYONE was there.

While the club may no longer exist today, it certainly had an impression on me. How I miss thee...

All images and photographs are the property of DKiser Designs and subject to copyright protection. You may not copy or reproduce any image or photograph in any way without the express permission of DKiser Designs. Thank you.

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